I found this artist/photographer called Tchmo. He creates similar cloud
work to that of David et Myrtlle, however he uses acid colours. He also produces textured canvases using oil paint in similar colours to the clouds.
 I want to stick to using clouds throughout my project because i feel it is a great metaphor for drug highs. Drugs take people to another level and place. Often this can feel quite pleasant but there is also a harsh reality to the come down from such drugs. I feel Tchmo's work  really captures that 'acid high' that you get from certain drugs such as LSD and Ecstasy. The compositions of Tchmo's work is quite simple. He takes portrait photographs of his models which he later overlays with textures and clouds. The backgrounds are typically white or black. The white backgrounds give the impression of nostalgia and late 70's free love photography from the woodstock era. My personal preference are the black backgrounds. I feel they are stronger and make the bright acid colours 'pop' off the page. The portraits appear to be set in traditional studio settings with a softbox light set up to give a natural diffused glow.  The faces are partially obscured by the clouds. The eyes are supposed to be the windows to the soul. However when these are obscured the model/character appears to be faceless and lose his identity. I would like to see the outcome of a photograph with exposed eyes. This could aid the impact of the image. Often when people take drugs their pupils dilate. I would like to increase the size of the models pupils to see if this engages the viewer.
I will initially take studio shots of my models using a soft box light and black background. I hope to layer textures of clouds over the top in a similar style to David et Myrtyle. I will also experiment with exposing the eyes to see if this creates a deeper impact.

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